Consulente di Comunicazione, Giornalista Freelance, Addetta Stampa, Copywriter, Media Strategist, PR- Digital PR. Seguo progetti studiati appositamente per i miei clienti perseguendo una linea di comunicazione chiara e su misura. Responsabile dei rapporti con la stampa nazionale e internazionale, mi occupo dei miei clienti sia in modalità back office (mailing, comunicati stampa, copywriting, newsletter, supervisione sito web e gestione pagine social) sia come front office, pianificando e seguendo per aziende soggiorni giornalistici, richieste blogger, video e photo shooting, promozione eventi.
Con esperienze pluriennali nell’hotellerie e nel turismo, collaboro con Fondazioni ed istituzioni culturali, con curatori e direttori artistici e faccio parte di un’associazione, Ápeiron, affidataria di una casa-museo a Capri, Villa Lysis.
Laureata a pieni voti in Filosofia, un Master in Luxury Marketing & Communication presso la Business School del Sole 24 ore di Roma, uno spiccato senso critico e una forte empatia verso i progetti commissionati.
Creatività, ironia, analiticità, sintesi, caratterizzano la mia scrittura.
Hi there! My name is AnnaChiara. Born and raised in Capri, I often leave my beautiful island to experience different realities, discover new ideas and get new vibes.
Graduated in philosophy, with a master in Luxury Marketing & Communication from the Business School of Sole24ore in Rome, I acquired a strong critical sense with interests ranging from Politics, Art, Philosophy, Media, Communication & Information, to Translation, Education and Healthy Living.
I’m a freelance journalist, copywriter, press and communication officer , blogger, exhibition and event coordinator, social media strategist and event promoter.
I create projects tailored specifically to my clients. I manage Media Relations for many international magazines and newspapers, liaising with journalists and agencies from all over the world.
I meet my clients needs with mailings, press releases, copywriting, newsletters, website content and social media strategy as well as by planning and facilitating press visits and photo shoots, and promoting events.
I also work with Foundations and art curators, and been a gallery assistant at Saatchi Gallery. .
I’m passionate about and experienced in hospitality and tourism. I have worked with press agencies, hotels,galleries, luxury brand, clubs and organized cultural events. In fact, I’m part of an association, called Apeiron, who manages an historic villa in Capri called Villa Lysis.
Creativity, Irony, analysis